
Check Aadhar Pan Card Link Status OR Link Aadhar Pan Card Online 2023

Aadhaar and PAN card online

Linking Aadhaar and PAN Card:

The Aadhaar card is a unique identification number issued by the Government of India, while the PAN (Permanent Account Number) card is a unique identification number issued by the Income Tax Department for tax-related purposes. Linking Aadhaar and PAN is mandatory for certain financial transactions and to file income tax returns.

Here's how you could check the status of linking your Aadhaar and PAN card online:

1. Visit the Income Tax Department's official website: Go to the Income Tax Department's e-filing portal (

2. Log in or Register: If you are a registered user, log in using your PAN as your user ID, along with the password and captcha. If you are not registered, you will need to create an account on the portal.

3. Link Aadhaar: Once logged in, look for the "Profile Settings" or "Profile" tab on the dashboard. Under this section, you should find an option to "Link Aadhaar."

4. Check Status: After you have linked your Aadhaar and PAN, you can check the status of the linkage by going to the same "Profile Settings" or "Profile" section. There should be an option to check the Aadhaar-PAN linkage status. Enter your PAN and Aadhaar numbers to check the status.

5. Verification Process: The status check will inform you whether your Aadhaar and PAN have been successfully linked. If they are linked, you will receive a confirmation message. If not, you might need to re-enter the correct details or follow any instructions provided to complete the linkage.

Important Dates:-

"Last Date for Link Aadhar Card / Pan Card : 30/06/2023."

This date indicates the deadline by which individuals are required to link their Aadhaar card and PAN card. Linking Aadhaar with PAN is a government mandate aimed at streamlining financial transactions and reducing tax evasion. However, please note that these details might have changed or been extended since then. For the most accurate and current information, I recommend checking the official websites of the Income Tax Department of India or the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

Aadhaar and PAN cards by the specified date, you might face consequences such as not being able to file your income tax returns or facing penalties. Therefore, it's crucial to complete the linkage before the deadline to avoid any issues. Always rely on official sources for the latest information regarding government mandates and deadlines.

Application Fee:-

The "Application Fee" is a specified amount of money that applicants are required to pay when submitting an application for a particular process, such as an exam, recruitment, or other services. In this context, the application fee details you provided pertain to a certain process, possibly an examination or a government service. Here's a breakdown of the information:

- **Application Fee Amount:**

  The application fee is set at ₹1000 (Indian Rupees One Thousand).

- **Payment Methods:**

  Applicants can pay the application fee using various payment methods, including:

  - Debit Card

  - Credit Card

  - Net Banking

  - UPI (Unified Payments Interface)

  - Offline Fee Mode (This might involve paying the fee at a designated bank or offline payment center).

The application fee is typically required to cover administrative and processing costs associated with handling applications, conducting examinations, and providing related services.

Applicants need to ensure they have the necessary payment details and methods available before proceeding to make the payment. It's important to follow the official instructions provided by the organization or authority conducting the process to avoid any payment-related issues.

How to Check Aadhar Card Pan Card Link Status 2023-

1. **Visit the Official Website:**

   Go to the official website designated by the government or relevant authorities for Aadhaar-PAN linkage. Ensure that you are using the official and secure website.

2. **Locate the Link Aadhaar-PAN Section:**

   Look for the section on the website that is specifically dedicated to linking Aadhaar with PAN or checking the link status. This section may be labeled as "Link Aadhaar-PAN," "Aadhaar-PAN Link Status," or something similar.

3. **Enter Aadhaar and PAN Details:**

   In the provided fields, enter your Aadhaar card number and PAN card number. Double-check the accuracy of the information you enter to avoid errors.

4. **Submit the Information:**

   After entering the required details, click on the "Submit" button or similar option to proceed.

5. **Check Link Status:**

   Once you submit the information, the portal will process the data and display the link status of your Aadhaar card and PAN card. It will indicate whether your Aadhaar card and PAN card are successfully linked or not.

6. **Follow Additional Instructions (if any):**

   If the link status shows that your Aadhaar and PAN are not linked, the portal may provide further instructions on how to complete the linking process. Follow any additional steps or guidelines provided.

7. **Confirmation and Print (if required):**

   If your Aadhaar and PAN cards are successfully linked, the portal may provide a confirmation message. You can take a screenshot or print this confirmation for your records.

Additionally, the specified last date for linking Aadhaar and PAN cards is March 31, 2023. It is important to complete this process before the deadline to avoid any potential consequences or penalties.

Official Website:-

The official website of the Income Tax Department of India is This website serves as a central hub for various income tax-related services, information, and resources provided by the Indian government. 

1. **Income Tax Services:**

   The website offers a range of services related to income tax filing, tax payments, tax return status, and more. Taxpayers can access e-filing portals, download necessary forms, and check their tax compliance status.

2. **E-Filing Portal:**

   Taxpayers can use the e-filing portal to electronically file their income tax returns (ITRs), which streamlines the tax filing process and allows for convenient online submission.

3. **Aadhaar-PAN Linking:**

   As previously mentioned, the website provides a section for linking Aadhaar cards with PAN cards. Taxpayers can link or verify the linkage status of their Aadhaar and PAN cards on this platform.

4. **Online Services:**

   The website offers various online services, such as applying for a Permanent Account Number (PAN), tracking PAN card application status, and more.

5. **Resources and Information:**

   The website hosts a wealth of resources and information related to income tax rules, regulations, exemptions, deductions, and other aspects of taxation. Taxpayers can access documents, FAQs, and guides to assist them in understanding tax-related matters.

6. **Latest Announcements and Notifications:**

   The website keeps taxpayers informed about important updates, announcements, and changes in income tax laws and regulations through notifications and news updates.

7. **Contact Information:**

   Users can find contact details, helpline numbers, and email addresses for reaching out to the Income Tax Department for assistance or queries.

8. **Feedback and Grievance Redressal:**

   The website often provides a mechanism for taxpayers to provide feedback or lodge grievances regarding their income tax-related matters.

Check Aadhar Card / Pan Card Link Status


**Q1: What is the deadline for linking Aadhaar card and PAN card?**

A1: The government has set the deadline for linking Aadhaar card and PAN card as March 31, 2023.

**Q2: How can I link my Aadhaar card with my PAN card?**

A2: You can link your Aadhaar card with your PAN card by visiting the official Income Tax e-filing website ( Enter your Aadhaar card number and PAN card number in the "Link Aadhaar" section and follow the instructions to complete the process.

**Q3: What are the accepted modes of payment for linking Aadhaar and PAN online?**

A3: You can pay the necessary fees using Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, UPI, or select Offline Fee Mode options available on the website.

**Q4: I have linked my Aadhaar card and PAN card. How do I check the status of the link?**

A4: To check the status of your Aadhaar and PAN card link, visit the official Income Tax e-filing website and navigate to the "Link Aadhaar" section. Enter your Aadhaar and PAN numbers to view the link status.

**Q5: What happens if I don't link my Aadhaar card and PAN card by the deadline?**

A5: It is essential to link your Aadhaar card and PAN card by the specified deadline (March 31, 2023). Failure to do so might result in consequences such as being unable to file income tax returns or facing penalties.

**Q6: Is it mandatory for all citizens to link their Aadhaar card and PAN card?**

A6: Yes, it is mandatory to link your Aadhaar card and PAN card as per government regulations. This helps streamline financial transactions and ensure accurate tax reporting.

**Q7: Can I link multiple Aadhaar cards to one PAN card?**

A7: No, each individual can link only one Aadhaar card with one PAN card. It is not possible to link multiple Aadhaar cards to a single PAN card.

**Q8: I am facing issues while linking Aadhaar and PAN. What should I do?**

A8: If you encounter any difficulties during the linking process, you can reach out to the customer support provided on the official Income Tax e-filing website for assistance.


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